Clients from diverse high-achieving backgrounds have experienced life-changing results. From executives to entrepreneurs, my coaching has helped them achieve their highest potential and deepest fulfillment.
To protect the anonymity of these people, you will not find any references to the person here! Exception: the reference section, where I have received explicit permission.
Dear Mr. Stul
Thank you for the efficient session.
I was very impressed, how you guided me through this hour, with your questions, ideas, breaks, note-taking and referring back to them. Different aspects lead to an important picture and a very essential insight. So I got a tool, with which I am experimenting now swhen I realize that I am losing my center.
Again, thank you very much and best regards to you and your dog.
Good morning Mr. Stul
Thank to your yesterday’s meeting I have already had a very important success. Your coaching helped me, to control my feelings in a very difficult situation. I could just accept how it was and the situation did NOT escalate! The resources are available.
Best regards to you and Goldi the dog…..
Mr. Stul
I shall contact you again to call upon your valuable support.
Dear Mr. Stul
I have important feedback which I would like to give for your achievement. You have reminded me, that I am good, and shown me, how to get even better…. There has a lot been going on since last summer and I am sending you mail from my new workplace (….)
I have not only applied your suggestions in my own life but have also shared them with my fellow men….. So I also fulfill the second part of my promise, and you will soon have “referrals”… (…)
If I owe my being so successful to anyone then it is to Philip Stul! Within a few sessions, he always managed to guide me to the next steps, which were “waiting” for me. His support, his always being present, his unexpected inquiries after my being and doing anytime in the middle of a week have turned him from my coach into my most valuable adviser in business matters, who accompanies his clients even when there is no fixed appointment. It is nearly impossible to express my appreciation for all this, and I am very
Thank you very much for your goal-oriented support. Your way of working relates very well with me and I can recommend you very well!
Dear Mr. Stul
After having taken the time, to test your input in daily living, I have noticed an exciting change. I do not “have to” anymore, but I just do. Where I used to have a “to-do” list, I now have a “have done” list! You have helped me to become a “man of action” instead of a “planer”. And I have had my first success with this. Yesterday I was invited for a job interview at (….) and got already invited for a “recall”!
Thank you very much for your excellent evaluation, and I’ll be back for another session. The first steps have made me hungry….
Dear Mr. Stul
Now about ten days have passed. And it is, again, as with the first time. I cannot say what is different, because the “new” is so logical and simple, that it is strange, that it has ever been different.
Dear Philip. Thank you for everything. I am fine and feel great…. (….)
The morning with you was absolutely fantastic, with an abundance of methods, a rich source of ongoing inspiration. I thank you so much!
Our last session has a very enduring impact. I have everything under control and remind myself, to stay consistent…..
Dear Philip, Thanks for the mail. At the moment I need more time. The good news is, it was much better with the couple that stresses me in the lessons. While they are having trouble it gives me the time to relax and check the yellow circle. I also am trying to measure the relaxation level with the couples. The best couples have the most relaxed situations.
This also lets me give my best information to them. They then get a better lesson. Please give me more time to practice this and I will contact you in the new year. Thanks, it has helped me a lot to realise that I am a mirror and I can decide what I show or not in my reaction.
I had two sessions with you in January and thought I wanted to report. Back then I did not know what to do and wanted to move into (….), and then I got fired. Anyhow, I could bring myself to start training as (….). Now I am in the middle of the formation and content, that I did not choose the complicated way of going (….). I talked with another person who finished the training, and the session with you gave me the courage too, to register directly.
You gave me two key phrases for my “road”. Both are bout expectations: My expectation of a stressful future, and all the expectations that I await from the others….
(….) Besides that, I have hired three good people last year. For this process, you have encouraged me to be confident and not to make myself crazy with all the what-ifs and whens and buts….
Thanks to your analytical and emotional intelligence, I efficiently found my way back to inner peace, allowing me to move mountains
The coaching has been extremely beneficial to me! I’m amazed at how quickly the positive change occurred
“Your focused support impressed me. Your questions and methodology helped me gain essential insights.”
What do you particularly like about my way of coaching?
- Your calm, level-headed manner
- Your restraint
- Your ability to combine scientific methodology with spirituality
- Your efficiency in identifying and solving problems
- Your clarity, your alertness, your humour, and your serenity or is it calmness?
- It is objective, “problems” somehow don’t exist, only challenges and solutions. Direct, focussed and also very understanding in a pleasant way.
Who would you be most likely to recommend me to and why? Or for which problems?
- Anyone who wants to work on themselves
- Me and other smart women and men.
- Definitely for professional problems at a higher level – so no chi-chi.
Feedback from former participants of the “Critique Course” and other events.
Hello Philip. I still owe you some feedback on the appraisal questionnaire! Our appraisal interviews have now started. I had my interview with the boss last week. I received positive feedback from him about “our” questionnaires. He likes working with it and it helps him to structure the conversation better. He gave me confidence and gave me positive support in preparing for the interview. Once again, thank you very much for your support!
(….) but unfortunately I can’t find the questionnaires. I know that I looked at the questionnaires and that the feedback was consistently positive and I thought to myself: “We’ll hire Philip again, hopefully I’ll be there next time too.”
I enjoyed your seminar and it did me good! I’m doing well. I criticise a lot… openly and directly and allow myself to be criticised, especially by ……. As they are not allowed to attend your seminar, their criticism is often hurtful and unjustified. I know how to defend myself! But they are often right, I also have my weaknesses… Then we talk about it and I try to be more careful and empathetic…
As you can see… “the things we made clear in the seminar” are and remain clear! Of all the training to become a (…) I benefited most from your lessons: PMR and especially mental training. I probably wouldn’t be where I am now. I’ve learnt to say no, to listen to myself and I often think about all the things you’ve given us along the way. It was a very valuable experience for me and I am very grateful to you.
It’s just brilliant to watch you communicate with us consciously on so many levels, although I probably only realise a small part of it! It did me a lot of good to experience you again: -I found it easy to compare myself to the past (how have I changed, what have I integrated from NLP into my life, what have I forgotten…) – I enjoyed it very much and it motivated me again!
……and give you more detailed feedback on the course. Of course, I have thought about a lot more than my brief comment ” (…)” would suggest. As I’m in the “autumn” of my working life and have already done some further training, it’s not all new territory. I have repeatedly encountered the topic of “dealing with criticism” as part of the course – albeit not in the breadth and depth that I have now – and have acquired knowledge. For me, the course is therefore a kind of summary/overview and – in modern terms – a “refresher” for my level of knowledge. I can roughly assess what I’m doing well (some things) and what could be improved (yes, that also exists….). As you never stop learning, I signed up for the course. I think the form and content are successful, lively, clear and practical. Working on specific examples is very useful. The variety between the different methods (frontal teaching, discussions, group work, etc.) is beneficial. Your relaxed and humorous way of dealing with participants and the subject matter and the visible and noticeable pleasure you take in using your knowledge of people is really great. Bravo and Chapeau!
I regularly use mental training before competitions, my group is enthusiastic and we are very happy with our results 😉
I attended your course a very………. long time ago and it was very good and I found the instructor, i.e. you, to be a really great guy and also got to know him briefly.
Thank you very much for your lesson at the STV Congress. It gave me a good understanding of progressive muscle relaxation.
I was at your lesson on Saturday 28 March 2009 where you introduced us to PMR. Thank you, it was very interesting.
I would like to thank you very much for your help in the last lesson. I have lived with my sentence for the last week and last Saturday I did a competent further training 😉 – I was completely with myself and with steady hands I placed the theory sheets on the wall 🙂
However, on the penultimate course I attended, “Think or be thought”, I thought it was great that you made the flip charts available to us by email afterwards. I just had another look at it the week before last, and the great thing about the workshop was that I was able to apply what I had learnt at the beginning of the week immediately and successfully, yes, yes, yes, and that says enough about the quality of the course!!!
Thank you for the interesting Saturday – you continue to do a very professional and exciting job! I thought your way of communicating your expertise was great again this time and you make me want more….
I’m doing very well at the moment because I’ve become a strong critic. I would enjoy training with you again in a heartbeat.
I am taking this opportunity to give my feedback on the IS/16-07 course on Saturday 20 October 07. As for the course and its leadership by Philip Stul himself, excellent. Of course too short for the subject of NLP but still very good.
Your pictures really brought the two days of the course back to mind – thank you very much for your efforts.
I used the wintery Easter days to read through the course folder. I found the content of the material helpful and stimulating and the appropriate proverbs were a good way to lighten things up.
It was (I think) the first time I voluntarily read a course folder all the way through! You can take that as a compliment. I’m practising.
The course is having a lasting effect – I’ve got a “boost”. Merci!
I now know more criteria for giving good criticism, so I feel more confident about what kind of criticism is appropriate and when it’s better to leave it alone. I am more aware when giving criticism. In connection with MAGs, I can now also prepare myself better for the tricky points of discussion and know how I can ensure that it comes across constructively.
I am more or less successful in implementing the course in my everyday life. I no longer take criticism so personally but objectively, and the course was particularly helpful for the MAG discussion. I was able to address my concerns more calmly. The course was a complete success for me both at work and in my private life.
I recently used your strategy “Responding to criticism” with my line manager and ……… The rest of the conversation went well and I felt better afterwards.
I’m finding it easier and easier to question my situation and train new behaviour patterns accordingly. But sometimes it’s a bit tedious, especially with the techniques that haven’t yet become second nature. But I always try to keep at it. Your documents and photo reports always help me to reassess my situation.
I was already able to put what I had learnt into practice. There was also a really good “atmosphere” during the conversations, which I usually lacked before the course. The course has also helped me in other situations (speaking in front of people). I would like to thank you for the interesting course.
I often put what I learnt on the course into practice – or at least I try to. In particular, I am no longer so quick to take criticism personally, I let others criticise me and take time to digest it first, perhaps sleep on it once and then try to respond on a factual level. Basically, I have the impression that in many situations where I would previously have reacted on a child’s level, I have moved to the adult level.
I consistently avoid: be careful not to…, i.e. negative formulations. The positive approach to life – well, that was never a problem for me – has, in my opinion, become stronger. This course has helped me a great deal and I would recommend it again and again…..
- Bagatello, a-capella, Bern/Solothurn
- Banyer, Internationale Tanzsport Trainer
- Berufs- und Fortbildungsfachschule, Bern
- Dr. Eschmann Rechtsanwälte, Zürich
- Fachhochschule Aargau (FHA), Brugg
- Fahnott Design, Basel
- Frauenverein am Heuberg, Basel
- Fred Tschanz Restaurationsbetriebe, Zürich
- Genossenschaft Migros Aare
- Grafisches Forum Zürich
- Kantonale Personalämter Aarau, Basel-Land, Basel-Stadt, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Solothurn
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- Kaufmännische Berufsschule Biel
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- Migros Klubschulen Aare (Aargau/Solothurn + Bern) und Basel
- MVN, Migros-Verteilbetrieb Neuendorf AG
- OK Coop AG, Allschwil
- Okay Telecom, Basel
- Personalamt Stadt Biel
- Rolic Technologies Ltd, Allschwil
- SBB Schweizer Bundesbahnen
- SELF, höheren Fachschule für Erwachsenenbildung, Leitung und Führung
- Seniorenresidenz Boecklin, Zürich
- Schule für Gestaltung Basel
- Schweizerischer Turnverband STV
- Swiss Re, Zürich
- Schweizerisches Institut für Berufspädagogik, Zollikofen
- Spital Dornach
- Spitex Basel Gotthelf/Iselin
- SWICA Basel
- UNI.Sport Basel
- Vereinigung Verkehrsschulung Schweiz
- Verkehrsbetriebe Biel
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