Category Archives: self-acceptance


What gift does this person give us?

Have you ever experienced this? This really difficult situation?

How many things suddenly lose their value? No longer make any sense?

We feel so helpless?

Often the only thing we can do then is simply to be present.

And maybe we then learn that being “really” and “simply” present, for and with the other person, is not so easy and simple in reality. 

And in the moments when we manage to do that, we suddenly realise the enormous power in it.

Perhaps we realise that there are also completely “normal” times when we could practise this. And that these moments are of overwhelming importance.

In such moments we do more for our relationship than when we throw big gifts around, go into grandiose action.

Remember again what was suddenly unimportant at that time. 

I can tell you: if it was unimportant then, it is still unimportant now.

We can fill such things with importance again but would be a pity. 

A pity because this person showed us something. Namely, what is really important, what it is all about in this life.

There is the gift. Accept it.


A useful hint….

Had one? A dysfunctional family/childhood I mean? You are not alone, definitely. Sometimes I try to find out, how many people I know, who had a so-called completely normal childhood….

Maybe it’s one of the criteria, according to which I select my circle of more interesting humans? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Intellectually, I can understand, how someone can tell me about being good friends with her mother and father. Or at least just having them… at the age of 40.

40? Emotionally, that’s completely outlandish for me.

I haven’t had a father since I was 8. Tragic? Possibly. Normal? Absolutely, for me. I don’t know anything else. So, how could I miss something unknown to me?


Strange? Yes. Does it give me trouble? Let’s say there were also quite a few other components in this childhood and youth of mine, which I could call, hmmmm ok, let’s just call them intriguing.

Yes, and some of these elements I am still expressing in this process, which we usually call “personality”. And sometimes, that can be quite bothersome, to say the east.

And here’s a helpful hint. Sometimes, when you feel distressed about this, try a very weird thing: forgive yourself for your past.

WHAT??? Yes, I know you were a victim, etc. of course. Just, if some highly intelligent part of you is ready for just a tiny and very useful change, try it: forgive yourself for your past.

And…. let me know how this went!


Is this easy for you to exist in difficult moments?
Are you one of these hardcore beings, who practices tough love on herself?
Do you think, you learn only by criticism?

Too much love and softness make you weak?
To succeed in this world, you cannot show weakness?

Success has its price. Show no helplessness, or the others will gobble you up?

And if you really think so, are you happy with this?

I mean, really happy? Deep down, and when no one can hear or see you,
then I mean, are you really, really happy?

Are you convinced that this is the reason why you are on this planet?
Why you have sensitive beings around you?

If this is really the case, then good luck…. especially in the last moments, that you inhabit this body, and in the first moments after leaving it.

In the moments, when you remember, that you are an eternal soul, who incarnated on this admittedly difficult plant with one main goal.
And this one main goal was to love others and help them. Not tough love. But love.

Maybe then you will also remember this post and ask yourself: why didn’t I listen, to this tiny, shy voice inside myself, who told me, to read this well?

Well, it’s never too late, and I do mean that.


🤔 And careful, there are different ways of doing that. One way is very seductive and ends badly. Badly? Yes, it does.🙈

When you think you are the best, and all the others are scum, for example. You know you are great but all the others are not. 😱
That’s what I mean. This does not end well. How do I know that?
In this day and age we know a lot of what happens, in the end.. ask me if you want to know more… 👀

So the better way is to treat oneself with compassion. Also, the others of course, but let’s start with yourself.

Which proves to be quite difficult, sometimes.
It means, that whatever you do, you forgive yourself. From your heart. Completely. And, of course, try to do a lot better next time. ❤️

So, compassion, patience, and being able to act from your heart.

How about doing a little test right now?

Remember something you did, which you consider awful. Got something? 🤔

Ok. So now, see this you, who did that, over there, in front of you, in your mind’s eye. And go over there, take that part of yourself in your arms and forgive. Completely. From your heart, and accept any emotion that comes up. ❤️🙏❤️

Sounds strange? Good. Be tough, be a grown-up, and… just do it. Repeat daily. Be surprised at how much better you are going to feel in a few weeks. 😇 🥰

Let me know what happens, please!