Category Archives: about language


And is that always for your own good?

Today I want to tell you about complex equivalents.
I give you a well-known example: “time is money”.

If you think about this carefully and picture both terms, you realize, that it’s simply not true.

Time is time, money is money. You can put them in a relationship if you want to. But they are NOT equal.

So what do others want, when they tell you this and similar familiar things? What are their intentions?

● What mood do they want to put you in?
● What do they want you to think?
● How do they want you to act?
● And, maybe more important, what do they want you Not to
think, Not to realize, NOT to do?
● (Why)Do they want you to have Tunnel vision?
● What behaviour do they want to manipulate you into?

THINK about that! It’s a very simple and seductive way to exploit others. We fall for it quite easily, because it’s a habit, part of our daily unconscious thinking and acting.

So START being awake, START being present, START being conscious! Today. Here. Now.

As soon as someone tells you that “a = b”, for example,
this and that is your enemy, STOP! THINK!

Picture the two concepts.

  • Is this true?
  • Are the two pictures identical?
  • And if yes, have they already been identical, before
    others started you telling that they are?
  • What would you lose, by not playing along?
  • What could you gain, by being consciously aware of the differences, the individual properties?

If this resonates with you, you might also consider stopping doing this to other people… Help them to get used to not being manipulated so easily.

Is this useful for you? Does this make you think?
Please let me know about your reactions to this train of thought!