All posts by admin

coaching and spirituality


Quite possibly, you may be annoyed by some of my statements here. Just, maybe a reason to think about it instead of just dismissing these ideas? Because there is a lot of good and useful development possible in shadow work.

If you want to know more, just get in touch with me, because life is better with a coach!
Mail me at:
or call me at: +41 79 211 3 500


Do you know this situation? You are successful, everything is going well and of course you have no weaknesses. You know yourself totally well, know everything about yourself. And things, qualities, reactions that you have that you are not even aware of? You have no blind spots at all. None at all. Never! You don’t. No, njet, no! Not you!

Maybe others, but not you.

Well, then…

But if, in weak (?) moments, doubts sometimes arise, we could also call it wisdom?
What then?

If there might also be behaviour that you would like to change, but which you cannot admit because…. Exactly!
Or maybe you suspect that there might be something there????

Be weak enough to be really strong.

Get a coach!
call: +41 79 211 3 500

Life is better with a coach

The path into the light – what does that mean?

The path into the light can have many meanings.

Emotionally, perhaps, from depressed to a state where things become possible again.

Mentally, from not knowing any more to a high level of creativity and desire to create.

Physically, for example, to engage happily and openly in a dying process.

Spiritually, it could be a path to active charity, a life that expresses high ethical principles.

And more importantly, what does it mean for you? Would now or soon perhaps be the moment for you to get more clarity on this?

Let’s talk about it, call me: +41 79 211 3 500

Life is better with a coach

The path into the light
The path into the light



One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to influence our states, to direct them.

Am I not the originator of my feelings?
Or is it other people and circumstances that are directing my feelings?
Am I completely helplessly exposed to it?
Or, is it perhaps simply some habits?
We have trained ourselves to react to certain circumstances and influences in a certain way. And we are convinced that this is “normal”. It has to be that way. You would react the same in my situation, etc…..

If you feel like trying something new, take me up on my offer. Let this video lead you into a short and pleasant relaxation. And in doing so, simply perceive what would be possible…

By the way, I produced this relaxation sequence on the fly. Someone in my network is facing a challenge right now and I think it could be useful to him.

And not just to him…. 😎

By the way, if you feel like doing more like this, get in touch with me: ⇾ + 41 79 211 3 500